Check if text contain anagram pattern, check if two words are anagram, check if word is palindrome.
API Documentation
Find anagram words if existed from the given pattern. Check if two strings are anagram. Check if the given word is palindrome.
It has npm package here called anagram-palindrome
Support CJS and ESM
npm i anagram-palindrome
import { findPattern, areAnagram, isPalindrome } from "anagram-palindrome"
// findPattern
console.log(findPattern("car", "race car care")) // [ 'rac', 'car', 'arc', 'rca', 'car' ]
console.log(findPattern("car", "race car care", {unique: true})) // [ 'rac', 'car', 'arc', 'rca' ]
console.log(findPattern("car", "race car care", {space: true})) // [ 'rac', 'car', 'car' ]
console.log(findPattern("car", "race car care", {space: true, unique: true})) // [ 'rac', 'car' ]
console.log(findPattern("cAr", "race car cAre", {caseSensitive: true})) // [ 'rcA', 'cAr' ]
// areAnagram
console.log(areAnagram("mything", "My night")) // true
console.log(areAnagram("mything", "My night", {space: true})) // false
console.log(areAnagram("Thing", "Night", {caseSensitive: true})) // false
console.log(areAnagram("My thing", "My night", {caseSensitive: true, space: true})) // true
console.log(areAnagram("Mything", "My Night", {caseSensitive: true, space: true})) // false
// isPalindrome
console.log(isPalindrome("Race car")) // true
console.log(isPalindrome("Racecar", {caseSensitive: true})) // false
console.log(isPalindrome("race car", {space: true})) // false
console.log(isPalindrome("Rac e caR", {caseSensitive: true, space: true})) // true
console.log(isPalindrome("Race car", {caseSensitive: true, space: true})) // false
const { findPattern, areAnagram, isPalindrome } = require("anagram-palindrome")
// findPattern
console.log(findPattern("car", "race car care")) // [ 'rac', 'car', 'arc', 'rca', 'car' ]
If you are using this directly in your browser, you could use type="module"
in your script
tag. Here, I'm using as cdn source to call package anagram-palindrome
version 0.3.2
and stright to file dist/index.mjs
<script type="module">
import { findPattern } from '';
console.log(findPattern("car", "race car care")) // [ 'rac', 'car', 'arc', 'rca', 'car' ]
or import all function
<script type="module">
import * as ap from '';
console.log(ap.findPattern("car", "race car care")) // [ 'rac', 'car', 'arc', 'rca', 'car' ]
You can change cdn from to by replacing
Read complete API documentation here
findPattern(pattern, text, options)
(string) is the sequence string you look for in in the string text
(string) is the whole string you want to look for the pattern
(object) is an object to customize the options desribed bellow:Parameter | Type | Deafult | Description |
space | boolean | false | true means space counted as a character.false means space is not counted as character and will be ignored |
caseSensitive | boolean | false | true means case sensitive character.false means case insensitive |
unique | boolean | false | true only return unique sequence result.false will return all sequence result |
import { findPattern } from "anagram-palindrome"
console.log(findPattern("car", "race car care", {space: true, unique: true})) // [ 'rac', 'car' ]
areAnagram(word1, word2, options)
Description: Check if two strings are anagram
Return type boolean
. true
if they are anagram, false
if it is not anagram
and word2
is the text/string you you want to check wether if they are anagram or not
(object) is an object to customize the options desribed bellow:
Parameter | Type | Deafult | Description |
space | boolean | false | true means space counted as a character.false means space is not counted as character and will be ignored |
caseSensitive | boolean | false | true means case sensitive character.false means case insensitive |
Example use :
import { areAnagram } from "anagram-palindrome"
console.log(areAnagram("Thing", "Night", {caseSensitive: true})) // false
console.log(areAnagram("Thing", "Night")) // true
isPalindrome(word, options)
Description: Check if the word is palindrome
Return type boolean
. true
if the word palindrome, false
if it is not palindrome
is the text/string you you want to check if it is palindrome or not
(object) is an object to customize the options desribed bellow:
Parameter | Type | Deafult | Description |
space | boolean | false | true means space counted as a character.false means space is not counted as character and will be ignored |
caseSensitive | boolean | false | true means case sensitive character.false means case insensitive |
Example use :
import { isPalindrome } from "anagram-palindrome"
console.log(isPalindrome("Race car")) // true
console.log(isPalindrome("Racecar", {caseSensitive: true})) // false
console.log(isPalindrome("race car", {space: true})) // false
Read full Changlog here