My name is Fajar BC and I'm planning to build something here, just for fun. FYI, this page is built with Nuxt 3 (Vue 3) as frontend framework, Tailwind as styling, Vite as the build tool and uses Github Action Workflows for the deployments.
Repository of NPM Package I published with simple function. Find anagram words if existed from the given pattern. Check if two strings are anagram. Check if the given word is palindrome. I also using jsdoc3 to automatically create API Documentation by convert comments in files into beautiful and orginize pages, which also deployed via Github Action. Not only I use Gihub Action for API Documentation and Github Pages (with Jeckyll) itself, but also to publish patch, minor, major update this NPM Package at and auto update it's version and changelog in the repository. Visit Github Page for this repo here or directly visit API Documentation page.
Example ReactPHP Project : Websocket Chats. With the help of Thruway as PHP Router Library for Autobahn (use autobahn-browser as a client) Real-Time Application Messaging.
Created with Vue3 to learn the Vue3 basic and consumes API from backend endpoint that included in the project using json-server, especially on two ways data binding & fetching API. Because it has backend, the data is persistent. So please be wise 👌, thanks. I also add Github Action (Workflows) to automatically deploy compiled static files to Github Pages.
Learning Monorepo by using Typescript with Express & React to create simple chat app. This project also implement tRPC and WebSockets for real-time feature. Also there is branch called basic-chat-app that using tRPC with React Query to pooling data as an alternative for WebSockets.
Learning GraphQL with Apollo Server as backend and local database for simplification using lowdb (local json file adapter). Have type User and enum of Gender. Query: get all users, get user by id, and follow (add following and followers data to user in action).
Image augmentation for machine learning experiments. Based on aleju/imgaug and implemetation of asetkn. It basically Jupyter Notebook with ready to use script which supposed to create augmentation of the given images. The images need to be labelled or annotated. The output is augmented version of the images and its annotation files in .xml PASCAL POC format.