import { compare, createHash, applyOptions, Options, Hash } from "./utilities";
* Return anagram words/sequences from the given string if any
* @param {string} pattern - The sequence string you look for in in the text
* @param {string} text - The whole string you want to look for the pattern
* @param {Object} [options] - {@link Options} for customization
* @param {boolean} [options.caseSensitive=false] - true = case sensitive. false = case insensitive. Default is false
* @param {boolean} [] - true = space is count. false = space is not count as character. Default is false
* @param {boolean} [options.unique=false] - true = return only unique sequence. false = return all sequence. Default is false
* @returns {Array} anagram words/sequences
* @category Function
* @example <caption>Find anagram pattern in a sentence</caption>
* findPattern("car", "race car care") // [ 'rac', 'car', 'arc', 'rca', 'car' ]
* @example <caption>Find anagram pattern with options</caption>
* findPattern("car", "race car care", {space: true, unique: true}) // [ 'rac', 'car' ]
export function findPattern(
pattern: string,
text: string,
{ caseSensitive = false, space = false, unique = false }: Options = {}
) {
const words: string[] = [];
let word: string;
// apply options
[pattern, text] = applyOptions([pattern, text], caseSensitive, space);
let p: string[] = pattern.split("");
let t: string[] = text.split("");
const pl: number = p.length;
// create pattern window & first text window
let { pw, tw } = createHash(pattern, text);
// iterate next text & compare to pattern window
let i: number = pl;
for (; i <= t.length; ++i) {
word = text.substring(i - pl, i);
if (compare(pw, tw) && (!unique || (unique && !words.includes(word))))
tw[t[i]] = tw[t[i]] ? ++tw[t[i]] : 1;
tw[t[i - pl]] = tw[t[i - pl]] ? --tw[t[i - pl]] : 1;
return words;
* Check if word is palindrome
* @param {string} word - The word to check
* @param {Object} [options] - {@link Options} for customization
* @param {boolean} [options.caseSensitive=false] - true = case sensitive. false = case insensitive. Default is false
* @param {boolean} [] - true = space is count. false = space is not count as character. Default is false
* @returns {boolean} is the word palindrome
* @category Function
* @example <caption>Check if word is palindrome</caption>
* isPalindrome("Race car") // true
* @example <caption>Check if word is palindrome with options</caption>
* isPalindrome("Racecar", {caseSensitive: true}) // false
export function isPalindrome(
word: string | string[],
{ caseSensitive = false, space = false }: Options = {}
) {
word = applyOptions(word, caseSensitive, space);
const len: number = word.length;
for (let i: number = 0; i < Math.floor(len / 2); i++)
if (word[i] != word[len - i - 1]) return false;
return true;
* Check if word given are anagram
* @param {string} word1 - First word
* @param {string} word2 - Second word
* @param {Object} [options] - {@link Options} for customization
* @param {boolean} [options.caseSensitive=false] - true = case sensitive. false = case insensitive. Default is false
* @param {boolean} [] - true = space is count. false = space is not count as character. Default is false
* @returns {boolean} is two words are anagram
* @category Function
* @example <caption>Check if two words are anagram</caption>
* areAnagram("mything", "My night") // true
* @example <caption>Check if two words are anagram with options</caption>
* areAnagram("Thing", "Night", {caseSensitive: true}) // false
export function areAnagram(
word1: string,
word2: string,
{ caseSensitive = false, space = false }: Options = {}
) {
// word1 as pattern, word2 as text
if (word1 == word2) return true;
// apply options
[word1, word2] = applyOptions([word1, word2], caseSensitive, space);
if (word1.length != word2.length) return false;
// create hash and compare <-- wrong. should strict to the order also
let { pw, tw } = createHash(word1, word2);
return compare(pw, tw);